Step It Up! Make Our Communities More Walkable
As spring approaches in the northern hemisphere, walking as part of our daily routine can improve physical health and mood, as well as reducing the incidence and prevalence of overweight and obesity. The U.S. Surgeon General’s office has issued a call to action - Step...

Join the Movement to Reclaim Health Care that Heals
Health care expert and author Dr. Jim Bailey is leading Healthy City Town Halls across the country to encourage people to join the movement to reclaim health care that heals. With all the recent debate about health reform, Americans are eager to discover the path to...

Are Physicians Responsible for Being Patient Advocates
What does it mean to be a physician? Does a physician simply care for the patient’s immediate problem, or should they work to address the underlying social determinants of health? These are questions that pre-medical students like myself must think about as we apply...

Study Tools for Building Healthy Cities
Below are some free resources for those wish to learn more about how to build healthy cities wherever you live. The Influence of Art and Architecture on Health —Free download of syllabus including reading list and discussion guide

9th Search for the Healthy City—Umbria, Italy
This year’s theme is The Influence of Art and Architecture on Health. Participants will discuss classic and modern works regarding the impact of our built environment on physical, emotional, and spiritual health, considering how cities and towns can best serve human health today.

How Art Heals
It has long been observed that art can profoundly influence emotions and even the physical body. Stendhal syndrome (aka hyperkulturemia) was named after the 19th century French author, who described his visceral reaction to seeing Giotto’s frescoes on the ceiling of...

Protect Your Children from Secondhand Smoke
“…there is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke”
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke, a Report of the Surgeon General, 2006, p. 11

Butter is BAD for Health: Butter Industry Study Clinches It
Butter is the current fad. Foodies and scientists around the world have claimed that butter has been falsely maligned. They say that refined carbohydrates (like bread, sweet drinks, and corn syrup) are the real problem and that you can have as much butter as you...

Doctored: The Disillusionment of an American Physician
Doctored: The Disillusionment of an American Physician by Sandeep Jauhar. This wonderful memoir tells of the common experience of American cardiologists and other American physicians who find themselves providing expensive care that isn't care at all. Dr. Jauhar...

Cure Two-thirds of Cancer Now
We already know the causes and how to prevent some two-thirds of cancer. Let's launch a real movement to eliminate cancer at its root -encourage healthy living! Read The State Of The Cancer Nation at NPR.org.